week or so ago me and a couple of friends tried to do a 24hr comic over a few days (due to the opening hours of the space we were using, or at least thats my excuse) although we only manged about 18hrs heres what i produced.
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I really enjoyed creating this and, as a first attempt at making a comic, I am pleased with the result; although there is a lot of room for improvement, I learnt a lot in the process. The most difficult aspect to this was in coming up with the story, which is thin at best, but at least it forced me to think more sequentially. I also found that I find it hard to draw dynamic poses and as an aspiring animator this is an area which I will need to improve on.
The idea came from pulling words out of a hat, which was a good way of getting the ball rolling, and the cabal of zombies was a reoccurring theme in all our comics (you had to be there). For some reason at the start I couldn't get Rorschach from the graphic novel 'Watchmen' by Alan Moore (read it if you haven't already) out of my head, hence the serious dialogue. But I soon found it hard to keep up and also the ambitious aesthetic was becoming a bit too precious. Next time I’ll try and keep my drawings simple from the beginning.
The idea came from pulling words out of a hat, which was a good way of getting the ball rolling, and the cabal of zombies was a reoccurring theme in all our comics (you had to be there). For some reason at the start I couldn't get Rorschach from the graphic novel 'Watchmen' by Alan Moore (read it if you haven't already) out of my head, hence the serious dialogue. But I soon found it hard to keep up and also the ambitious aesthetic was becoming a bit too precious. Next time I’ll try and keep my drawings simple from the beginning.