Thursday, 1 October 2009

First week of uni...


It was my first week of Uni this week, so I’ve been quite busy. It’s really good to be back, although the course has changed quite a bit; it has been enjoyable so far.
In our first lesson we started some lip syncing, when I finish that I’ll be sure to upload the vid.

Today we had our first lectures with the fountain of knowledge that is Ron. the theory has been cranked up a few notches; metaphysics, ethics and the polymorphously perverse were some topics touched upon today. I’m looking forward the next lectures.

Also, I made a sketchbook out of all my old photocopies of my larger drawings i did last year.
So here are a few photos of that. (I mostly plan to use it just for doodles and 30/60/90 sec drawings, enjoy!)